PRE-ORDER - Releases 27th October
1 case = 12 box
1 box = 30 packs
1 pack = 5 cards
The much anticipated Ancient Roar / Future Flash set, after it's international counterpart Scarlet & Violet - Paradox Rift was teased during Worlds 2023 and then fully revealed later, now has been officially revealed in Japanese during the Champions League 2024 Yokohama Livestream.
These cards come with a new Ancient or Future Mechanic, which are similar to how Rapid Strike & Single Strike cards function on which specific Future or Ancient labeled cards work with other Ancient / Future cards.
Previously revealed cards we seen first in Paradox Rift, and the cover stars of the set are Iron Valiant ex and Roaring Moon ex.
Also previously revealed regular Pokemon cards revealed with the Ancient / Future mechanic, like Scream Tail, Brute Bonnet, Iron Bundle, and Iron Moth.